Goodyear Fast-Acting De-Icer 300ml

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The Goodyear De-Icer is a fast-acting formula that swiftly removes ice and frost from car windscreens and headlights. Effective on various other surfaces, such as door handles, keyholes and home glass, the Goodyear De-Icer is an essential for driver safety during the Winter months.

  • 300ml
  • Fast-Acting
  • Removes Frost & Ice

A quick and convenient solution for clear windscreen visibility, the Goodyear De-Icer also prevents re-freezing.

Pack Qty: 24
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Country of Origin China
Product Barcode 5055441450803

Product Dimensions

Weight (kg) 0.275000

Inner Case Dimensions

Inner Case Barcode 5055441450810

Outer Case Dimensions

Outer Case Barcode 55055441450808

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