If you type “bloggers and pound shops” into Google, a lot of content appears. It’s mainly written by bloggers who all praise pound shops. Particularly beauty bloggers.

Beauty bloggers are bloggers that blog about beauty products, health and fitness, either through writing articles or making YouTube videos. Their success has increased dramatically over the past few years, with recent novelist Zoella appearing as a contestant on the Great British Bake Off For Comic Relief.

Hauls, reviews and tutorials are all created by the beauty blogging industry on a daily basis. They usually need an endless stream of products to write about, meaning they need something else – money. But with the prices of nail polishes in Boots ranging from £2.99 to anything above £20, it can sometimes be difficult for bloggers to keep up their shopping sprees. Which is why it seems that some beauty bloggers are moving away from the standard prices of beauty products, to pound shops, where you are guaranteed low prices.

But why else are beauty bloggers buying and using products they bought in pound shops? We dug into the huge appeal.

They Can Pick Up Bargains

Everyone loves a bargain, so it’s really no wonder pound shops are as big as they are. So much so, that the stereotype of them has drastically changed. Years ago, middle-class shoppers wouldn’t have been seen stepping over the threshold of a pound shop, but now a large majority of these people shop in these stores. If someone can pick up the same nail polish for £1.50 that’s priced at £4 in Boots, it’s clear which option they’ll choose.

Bloggers, like any type of business, all have a specific audience they are targeting. Pound shops provide this community with a way to attract and appeal to a larger group of people, simply by reviewing items they have bought in a pound shop. The more products they can buy at lower prices, means the more they have to blog about. Which leads us onto our next finding.

Low Price Products Mean More Content

The more products bloggers can buy, the more content they can create. Some beauty bloggers review high end, designer products that are sometimes unrealistic items for their audience to purchase. It also means their funds are limited, which means they won’t be able to purchase an endless stream of products to write about. Whereas, if a beauty blogger bought ten different products from a pound shop, reviewed them and then revealed where she got them from, it means the more content she can produce and the more people she can attract. Plus, it’s also great news for pound shops.

You Can Find A Lot Of Great Products

A few years ago, a blogger voiced her love for pound shops on Twitter and received a lot of replies asking her if she found any “decent products” in pound shops. It seems that even though new pound shops are being created across the country all the time, the British public still don’t realise just how good the products stocked in pound shops can be. But for businesses looking to bulk buy products for their pound shops, they know how much care and effort goes into sourcing these products. As long as they are off a high quality and appeal to every customer your business is targeting, your customers will be getting the best products at low prices.

With easy access to bulk buying wholesale products and simple distribution, Pound Wholesale is your one stop shop to purchase everything you need for your business. You can pick up a wide range of items perfect for every customer that walks through your door. Just take two minutes to create an account with Pound Wholesale today.