Politics, Economics & Business

  1. Pound shop price war rages

    Two discount stores from one shopping centre have begun a price war that has seen prices go down as low as 93p.

    Poundland and the 99p Store at Kingsgate Shopping Centre in Dunfermline have gone head-to-head in a price reduction battle and it’s expected that prices will keep on dropping over the next few weeks.

  2. Head-to-head battle between Poundworld and Poundland to feature in BBC documentary

    The BBC documentary series ‘Pound Shop Wars’ filmed the grand opening of Poundworld’s 248th store in Hemel Hempstead in July, after producers had their interest peaked by the shop’s head-to-head battle with the local American-owned Poundland. 

  3. Tesco now has instore “pound shop” areas

    Taking a swipe at the big pound stores like Poundland and Pound World, Tesco have now launched 100’s of pound shop areas with many of their UK stores. It isn’t the first time they have tried something like this as in 2009 it dedicated a whole aisle to selling. 

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